National Nest Box Week starts on 14th February until 21st February 2019. It focuses on nesting birds and encourages everyone to put up nest boxes in their local area in order to support the conservation of our breeding birds.

Natural nest sites for birds such as holes in trees or old buildings are disappearing fast as gardens are ‘tidied’ and old houses are repaired. Taking part in NNBW gives you the chance to contribute to bird conservation whilst giving you the pleasure of observing any breeding birds that you attract to your nest box.

Want to take part? Then get this multi nest box for only £5.99 in-store today or you can try your hand at building your own. BTO have put together some handy tutorials on how to make your own nest box, we have provided the links for these below.

Make your own Blue Tit Nest Box
Make your own Robin Nest Box
Make your own House Sparrow Nest Box

Visit the website to learn more.

Please note, the product advertised is available at the time of this post being published. However, the price and stock availability may change at any given time. Please check with your local store to ensure they have stock available before making a long journey.

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